Let’s talk with numbers!

Let’s talk with numbers!

During the last two months of O_LIVE events we presented our results to a total of 142 people from the Education and Culture sector. 108 of them were trained by our trainers on how to apply the O_LIVE method. Among them were primary and secondary school teachers, educational staff from cultural and educational institutions, school principals, local authorities, stakeholders, EU Commission and DG EAC, EACEA policy officers.  So far a

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O_Live presentation at the Droit de Cité

O_Live presentation at the Droit de Cité

On 26 January 2024, La Transplanisphère took part in the Droit de Cité, the big day for French associations. The event took place at La Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, a unique campus that hosts more than 10,000 students and researchers from all over the world. This new edition took place on the eve of the European elections and brought together partners and actors of the community life to share and exchange

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Download the new O_live method

Download the new O_live method

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Ο_live method!  From today it is available in French, Greek, German and English.  You can choose the version in the language you are most familiar with. All you have to do is: a) click on the “Method” option in the menu b) select and download the method in the language you want! The O_live method is free of charge. – Feel

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Follow our steps

Follow our steps

All the data has been collected  so now it’s time to move on… First, we finished the preparation of the O_live tutorial videos! Using the audiovisual material collected during the pilot workshops in the classroom in all 3 partner countries. Our aim with these tools is to increase the capacity of primary school teachers across Europe by applying our teaching methodology. The 3 tutorial videos, one for each chapter, allow

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New motto

New motto

During this phase of testing the O_live method in classrooms, our motto is: Theory without practice is utopia… All the different games and activities included in the methodology bring students in touch with the true essence of Olympism. Words are translated into action, attitudes, ideas and practical solutions. Below you can find some of the most important concepts of the philosophy of Olympism (from the International Olympic Academy) that we

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Testing of the O_live method in France, Greece and Germany

Testing of the O_live method in France, Greece and Germany

The group of teachers who completed their training in Messolonghi based on the new O_live method implemented the workshops in their own classrooms (pilot workshops). In this second round of pilot workshops we have a total of 6 applications, 2 per country. Students in their classrooms  have the opportunity to be trained to play and act in three different ways: acting responsible  acting democratically acting equally To succeed in all the

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Teachers training in Messolonghi, Greece

Teachers training in Messolonghi, Greece

Messolonghi welcomed teachers to participate in training courses! Teachers from Greece, France and Germany were trained together, based on the activities of the O_LIVE method. In particular, teachers from the project partner’s school were given practical guidance on how to implement the new method by its creators. The aim of the four-day training session wasto empower the participants, boost their confidence and enhance their ability to implement the proposed activities

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