
The O_live project will lead to the creation of knowledge and competences that will benefit individuals, schools, institutions, organizations and the society as a whole. We hope that it will  modernize and strengthen the EU’s education and training systems with new effective tools and at the same time contribute to the growth of equity, prosperity and social inclusion in Europe and beyond.


Teachers are on the front line to help identify and protect students from potential risks leading to violent/extreme acts.

The O_live project aims to provide an innovative educational method that will increase the capacity of teachers to explore in practice with their students (8-10 years old) the values of democracy, tolerance and respect in the context of the Olympic Games and the philosophy of Olympism.


In particular, acting responsibly, acting democratically and acting equally are the 3 aspects that will be explored using non-formal education activities, based on learning through play and learning through experience techniques. 

A combination of Creative Theater and Sport, which are global and highly motivating, social, fun practices will be our learning tools.


Our project offers interventions that start in the short term and contribute to creating a sustainable approach for the future, in terms of civic education, democracy and values. Our results will be:

  • A three-chapter handbook that includes the method workshops, step by step
  • A series of 3 videos to help implement the method
  • A platform for sharing related to the topic knowledge and additional material

The project is supported by Erasmus + Strategic partnership.