On 26 January 2024, La Transplanisphère took part in the Droit de Cité, the big day for French associations.
The event took place at La Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, a unique campus that hosts more than 10,000 students and researchers from all over the world. This new edition took place on the eve of the European elections and brought together partners and actors of the community life to share and exchange around the question of the creation of associations in Europe.
The Transplanisphere team was there to present O_Liveproject and to official launch the publication of the method challenging Olympism through theatre and sport. We chose a more interactive way to engage the audience by experiencing with them some of the games/activities of the O_live method.
The feedback we received was very positive, as it showed once again that O_Live is acollaborativeand flexible project that doesn’t promote competition and brings people together.
This can be verified by the keywords that the participants were asked to give at the end of the presentation, which were
“act as a team”, “critical thinking”, “civic education”, “call to action”, “flexible teaching tool” .
For those who could not attend the event but are interested in learning more about it, you can listen toour radio interview on eu radio in relation to the O_live project in this link.